1. BPA = Bisphenol-A
- This is a chemical that has been in use for many many years and is found primarily in hard plastics that acts like estrogen and disrupts hormones. Any containers with this chemical in them are at risk of leaking it as they get worn down through use, come in contact with hot or boiling liquids or foods, through any kind of small scratches, or even simply by transferring onto the food or liquids inside them. In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration determined food-relating materials on the market containing this chemical to be safe, but more recent studies are suggesting otherwise. Originally it was not determined to have harmful effects on children but animal test subjects have started to show signs of subtle ones from low doses. This is enough to turn a vast majority of parents away from using it in their baby products while more tests are being done and more data collected. The FDA has even gone as far as to ban this chemical from being used in baby bottles and sippy cups. An article posted by The Wall Street Journal on September 19th, 2012 also discusses how new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that children with higher concentrations of BPA were more likely to be obese than those with lower concentrations.
2. EA = Estrogenic Activity
- While many containers out there are now getting rid of BPA because of the possible side effects, according to an article posted on NPR (National Public Radio) in 2011, research shows that over 90% of plastics are still releasing high levels of other chemicals that also mimic estrogen. It's still unclear whether or not these chemicals harm people but when it comes to your baby, it's important to be cautious.
3. MSRP = Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
- This is the price that the vendors of these various products suggest they sell for. You'll find I'll only post this when the vendors themselves have pricing on their websites, otherwise it's up to the individual stores you shop at. It's very possible to find these for lower prices some places and higher prices others. This is not the determined price everywhere by any means.
4. Phthalates
- Okay, this one isn't exactly an acronym but no, it's not spelled incorrectly and you do need to know about it. This is another chemical that more research is being done on as the effects of it are inconclusive. CBS posted an article on this chemical and mentions that it is also found in plastics but not just hard ones; they're found in soft flexible things like shower curtains, shampoos, carpeting, and cosmetic products too. It appears to have similar effects as BPA and EA as it disrupts hormone activity, especially in young boys and men. Like BPA, this chemical has been placed on a few ban listings to ensure it's not placed in children's toys or certain child care articles (though it only applies to the accessible plasticized components as described in the first link above).
- First of all, I want to say that the link above is amazing. It's a site with link after link after link of vital information on this chemical that all parents should know. PVC is the most toxic type of plastic that holds within it a plethora of chemicals that can be released at any point during it's use or even into the air, easily entering our bodies. Earlier this year, HealthyChild.org published an article explaining just how hazardous it is in our children's lives not just in the home, but at schools too. This plastic is linked to diseases like cancer, asthma, and obesity and can even cause learning and developmental disabilities as well as reproductive disorders. For more information on this plastic, please visit the link here to open a pdf about the effects it has on children and parents alike.
If at any time these links fail to work, please alert the blog author by e-mailing allboundupinbabyguru@gmail.com so she can remedy the situation. Thank you.
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